divendres, 5 de juliol del 2013

Escola de Balada. 1941-1967. (Arxiu Municipal d’Amposta. Llibres de comptabilitat)

L’alquiler de l’edifici que acull l’escola es de 67,50 pts i no pateix cap variació en aquest període
- Des de l’any 1941 al 1942 la mestra es Donya Carmen Lleixa.
- L’any 1943 i fins al 1945 la mestra es Donya Piedad Mora Riba.
- L’any 1946 es torna a canviar de mestra a favor de Donya Carmen Esteve Gómez i els saldos son els següents:
  1. 1946 al 1950.- 216,85 pts.
  2. 1953 al 1957.- 322,75 pts.
  3. 1958 al 1962.- 437, 50 pts.
- Als anys 1963 i 1964, hi ha un canvi de mestra que, en endavant, serà la Sra. Cinta Gisbert Monllao amb un saldo de 675 pts.
- Als 1965 i 1967 hi ha un nou canvi de mestra i serà Donya Lluïsa Gilisbars Monllao amb un saldo de 1.350 pts.

5 comentaris:

  1. The Arxiu Municipal d’Amposta, a treasure trove of historical documentation, opens its pages to unveil the vibrant tales of "Escola de Balada," a cultural hub that thrived during the transformative years spanning from 1941 to 1967. These were times of change, resilience, and the forging of cultural identity, and the accounting books serve as a window into the heartbeat of this era.
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  3. The webpage details the history of the Escola de Balada, a school operating between 1941 and 1967 in Amposta. It highlights key moments in its development, the educational context of the time, and the significance of archival records from this period. The school played an important role in local education during a turbulent era in Spanish history. The webpage discusses the legal aspects of Violencia Doméstica Nueva Jersey outlining the state's laws, available protections, and steps for obtaining a restraining order. It emphasizes the importance of legal representation for victims seeking justice and safety.

  4. This archive is a treasure trove for researchers and historians delving into Amposta's educational heritage. They offer a detailed view of the school's financial Is New York A Community Property State for Divorce||Is New York A No Fault State Divorce operations during a significant period in history.

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